Aug 30

Round Up of Stuff to Know

Articles. Tips, Tricks, Calendars and More

August 30,


Editor’s Thoughts | New Socials 8 of Them  | B | Quote of Day 
Emotional Support is Back | Website of the Week | Down Goes the Tower | Events | Good of Order

Editor’s Thoughts
Taking inventory of your social presence, heck online presence should be a regular event. And it should not just be done once a year, or even twice. Also updates such as headers, photos and even product  or service descriptions should occur at least every other month. Your competition is doing that, you should also. 
Eight New Socials to Look At

Buffer, the scheduling app that helps you organize and then schedule your posts across many platforms introduces us to eight new social places to look at. Each of these has a fairly specific purpose or audience. It is well worth taking a look to see if any are a fit. Article is here. 

You can Quote Me

When we’re born, we want to know why the stars shine. We want to know why the sun rises.”

— Michio Kaku

Emotional Support Pal is Back
Wally the emotional support gator is back to help out. He’s looking forward to making anyone needing it feel better. News here.

Website of the Day

You have to like a place that offers bees sanctuary and does it in a very peaceful way. Take a look here. 
The Japanese Shrine Creates a Custom Water Sanctuary for Bees To Stay Hydrated. We don’t often think of bees drinking water, or needing to as they buzz around our plants. This place serves that purpose. 
Actually the entire website has many great pages and inspirations. And is my website of the day

Down Goes the Tower

Here’s how you punish bad builders who break laws and don’t build safe buildings. BOOM!!!  VIDEO and STORY HERE


Take this poll NOW!!!


Speaker’s Playhouse with Kimberly Crowe
Every week 80+ speakers, podcasters, event producers gather to provide their venues and talks. Register Here
Happy Neighborhood Project
Arizona HNP Every Wednesday at 10am MST  – I am Co-Host 

Good of the Order

Maybe just good for the tummy, Pumpkin Spice is BACK!!!!! And other flavors.

