October 19, 2022 – Running for Office, Write Me In
A number things have occurred just in the the month of October. Here’s a quick wrap up and a few updates on the goings on in the world of Social Media. A regular ‘newsletter’ will follow this post.
I have decided to seek the State Senate Seat in LD 22. I do this as our Primary winner decided to take a job with a company the day AFTER he won the Primary. I am not happy about this as well as the procedure undertaken to chose the ‘democrat’ candidate. There are several. NOW, the race has become a “write-in” campaign per Election Laws of Arizona. Hence my complete annoyance with the Primary Winner. All that needed to happen was the General Election on November 8th, he and me and a few friends vote for him and he wins. He was UNOPPOSED. He then can resign and the process takes a different path. I was also unhappy that the announced list at one point had a very qualified candidate ready, one of my City Councilman who is at the end of his term, and is termed out. A perfect replacement for the LD 22 West Valley District. But no, shenanigans had to ensue. Not a happy camper am I, and so I feel thrusted into this. it an opportunity and I must grab the mike.
The website is up, https://writeinpaulvalachinld22.com/. I am only ask for you to write me in if you live in LD 22 for the State Senate seat AND fill in the circle. The other name there CANNOT win he has withdrawn from the race. By the way he took a Lobbyist Position that apparently he had been seeking for the past six months. You have to make sure you spell my name correctly PAUL VALACH and fill in the circle on the same line.