Festivus is Today!

Most of us think of George Coztanza when we hear this holiday. Seinfeld certainly turned many original holidays and events into major events. There is history behind this day, December 23rd of every year. It is often characterized by a few key elements: You can read more here. Here’s the scoop.


The word of the day today, Halloween, is BOO. So just how do you say ‘BOO” in other languages? Here’s a short list and more information on that word. BOO!! Happy Halloween!!

Arr, arr Now That’s Funny

I am looking for my new found joke list. It is the one that reminds you of all the jokes you forget. Or maybe its one liners today, mini quotes. List of jokes to come if you see none below. Or comebacks and more. I sold our vacuum cleaner; it was just gathering dust. “I misjudged you… You’re not a moron. You’re only a case of arrested development.” – Hemmingway “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “Alabama.” “Anybody with you?” “Nope. I’m Alabama self.“ Did you hear the joke about experiencing déjà vu? Did you hear the joke about experiencing déjà vu? Scientists have discovered what is

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